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Burry's Scion Asset adds Alibaba, JD.com, MGM Resorts, dumps CoreCivic and Charter

WILLER, N.D. (WKTV) — A Minnesota man arrested for drug possession was on a state list for a sex crime.

The Minn. Office of Municipal Affairs released police officers on Thursday and will turn over any complaints to the city for investigation.

No one knew the accused, but he was arrested on Wednesday and charged with violating probation by taking a “hanging” of a woman he believed to be a drug dealer.

The crime happened about 3 pm when a man he believed was the man who had threatened him was stopped, the Minn. police spokesman said.

This man is accused of selling out to another man.

(Brennan Koster / WKTV)

The city of Minnesota, which is currently investigating the crime, is in the midst of an investigation into the incident, Koster said.

“We have no information as to how the man got into this situation, but as the public is concerned about our investigation, the City of Minn. Police will not assist the investigation in any way, and we are very concerned about the safety and security of the public,” he said.

Action is eloquence.

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